October 26, 2005
10:00 - 19:00 |
"SPEM overview" lecture |
Orientation session |
Preparation games |
Design sessions |
October 27, 2005
8:30 |
9:00 |
9:30 |
Olga Dergunova, Microsoft Alexey Odinokov, Intel R&D Claudia Dent, IBM Software Group, Rational Business Development Kirill Rannev, Borland
Program Committee: Mark Paulk, Carnegie Mellon University, Ilya Antipov, RUSSEE Organizing Committee: Valentin Makarov, RUSSOFT, Dmitry Dakhnovsky, RUSSEE |
10:00 |
Pavel Tsytovich, Southern Ural State Univercity "Design Patterns of Open Program Systems" |
Vladimir L. Pavlov, Microsoft D.Malenko, Intel "Extension of SPEM Metamodeling for Distributed Software Development Teams" |
Svetlana Romanyuk, Motorola "Practical Realization of Human Capital Concept in Human Resource Management System: Motorola Case" |
Michael Cusumano, Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Sloan School of Management "Software Entrepreneurship: Products vs. Services Business Models and Key Success Factors" [10:00-14:00] |
10:30 |
G.Korneev, Anatoly Shalyto, Saint-Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics "Developing a Finite Automata System from Source Code" |
Pavel Veller, EPAM Systems "Continues Integration -- a Way to Successful Delivery" |
A.Babich, Poltava State Pedagogic University n.a. Korolenko "Experience of Hand-on Courseware Realization with MSF" |
11:00 |
Vadim Gurov, eVelopers Corp M.Mazin, A.Narsky, Anatoly Shalyto, Saint-Petersburg State University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics "Executable UML. Project UniMod" |
Larry Constantine, IDSA, Chief Scientist, Constantine & Lockwood Ltd. "Designing Software for Use: Toward Usage-Centered Software Engineering" |
N.Sidorov, National Aviation University (Ukraine) "Software Engineering -- Discipline or a Bachelor Degree? Ukraine Case." |
11:30 |
Andrey Plakhov, Nival Interactive "Arch: Dependency Graph Description and Static Code Checking Language" |
Mikhail Khassine, Deutsche Bank Moscow, Investment Bank IT Dept, Vice President "Software Process Improvement in Matrix Organization Environment" |
12:00 |
Vladimir Pentkovski, Intel Why Multi-Core Processor |
Robert Fisher, CMMI Lead Appraiser, Principal Consultant, Borland "Best Practices in Requirements Management” |
Andrey Denisov, Hay Group "Work Transformation: Achieving Strategy Through People" |
12:30 |
Claudia Dent, IBM Software Group, Rational Business Development "Be Careful What You Ask For. How to Foster Creativity and Deliver Better Solutions By Focusing on Business Needs" |
13:00 |
Yulia Garaeva, Ivan Ponomarev, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology (MIPT) "Ideas and Techniques of Conceptual Analysis and Design Methodology for Further Development of Model Driven Architecture" |
Andrey A. Terehov, Microsoft "Integrated Development Environment Visual Studio 2005 Team System" |
13:30 |
14:30 |
Alexey Sapegin, APLANA Software "Effectiveness and Quality Improvement of Java Application Development Using Development Tools" |
Alexander Babkin, Motorola "Controlling CMMI Deployement via Successive SCAMPI Appraisals" |
Ilya Antipov, Elena Rodina, RUSSEE "Software Professional Education" |
15:00 |
Alexey Kozlovsky, EPAM Systems "Development of Software Products with Simultaneous Support of J2EE and .NET" |
Oksana Miheeva, Digital Design "CMMI Pre-Assessment Methodology" |
Round Table "Computing Curriculum, SWEBOK"
Sergey Orlik, Borland
Vladimir L. Pavlov, Microsoft
Andrey A. Terehov, Microsoft
Anatoly Shkred, Intuit
Dr. Ivar Jacobson, Ivar Jacobson Consulting "A Unifying Foundation for Today's Software Development Best Practices" |
15:30 |
I.Piletsky, D.Selitsky, V.Kostikov IBA "Problems and Solutions Developing Relational Databases with Change History" |
Jeremy Dick, Telelogic "Requirements Management: A Springboard for Success" |
16:00 |
Maxim Osipov, Siemens "Linux @ Industry" |
Mark Paulk, Carnegie Mellon University "Process Institutionalization and Culture Building" |
16:30 |
Roman Elizarov, DevExperts "Design of Highly Productive Distributed Message Service Systems" |
Tutorial, Фонд Патентования Алгоритмов и Программ Оформление Объектов Нематериальной Собственности (ОНС) ет ОНС IT-бизнеса Оценка ОНС IT-бизнеса нсферт IT-разработок Патентный поиск, как первый и ключевой этап разработки IT |
17:00 |
Marina N. Hohlova, Cefey "Main Concepts of Evolutional Modeling Theory and Its Applications" |
Igor Ovsyanik, EPAM Systems "Implementation of Corporate Project Management Information System for Achieving High Maturity Practices in Accordance with CMMI Model" |
17:30 |
Vyacheslav Grachev, Bezopasnost "Application of the MDA Approach for SOA/EDA-Solutions" |
Ekaterina Skribtsova, Physicon "On Specific of E-Content Production Projects" |
October 28, 2005
9:00 |
Alexander Belyshkin, Usethics "Developing UI - Spending or Investing?" |
Anna Kostsova, Motorola "Business-Driven Problem Prevention" |
Sergey E. Brusnikin, Vladimir P. Korolev, V.Nikulenko, V.Ryzhikh, IBA "Experience in CMMI Appraisal, IBA Case" |
Mark Paulk, Carnegie Mellon University "Mature Software Project Management" [9:00-13:00] |
9:30 |
Natalia Suetova, eVelopers "Design and Implementation of User Interface for Internet Appications Using ISO 9001:2000 Software Process Standard" |
Hans Sassenburg, SEI Europe "Methodology to Support Software Release Decisions" [pdf: En.] |
Sergey E. Brusnikin, L.Bokun, S.Zlobich, IBA "Metric Collection in IBA Projects. Reporting Module." |
10:00 |
Alexey Kopylov, UIDesgn Group "When Usability is Profitable" |
Michael Cusumano, Massachusetts Institute of Technology's Sloan School of Management "Software Development Worldwide: Iterative versus Traditional Development Methods" |
10:30 |
Igor Skopin, Intel "Illustrative and Instrumental Software Life-Cycle Models" |
11:00 |
Anton Smolyaninov, Digital Design "Benefits of MSF 4.0 and Visual Studio 2005 Team System for a CMMI-certified company based on Digital Design own Experience" |
Vladimir Bolotov, LOIS "How to Minimize Client Resources During System Integration" |
Lilia Koukhareva, KRES Consulting "Using Mesurements in Project Management and Process Improvement" |
11:30 |
Tatyana Tochilkina, Interface "Effectiveness Improvement of Informational Systems Development Using Process Modeler, Erwin Data Modeler and Other AllFusion Products from CA" |
T.Popovа, A.Terehov, Lanit-Tercom "Software Process Management Experience of Product Realse in a Large Outsourcing Project" |
B.Pozin, EC-Leasing A.Kozlov, The Central Bank of the Russian Federation "Technology of Complex Stress Testing of Banking System" |
12:00 |
Boris Shlain, Independent Consultant "Application of Analytical Patterns. Case: Information Processing for Post Addresses." |
Yelena Belyayeva, Motorola, GSG-Russia, St.Petersburg "Cost of Quality Prediction Tool" |
Alexander Sambuk, LUXOFT "Independent Real-Time Monitoring of Software Development Projects" |
12:30 |
Philippe LeBlanc, Telelogic "Component Based Development Using UML" |
Vadim Bogdanov, Bogdanov and Associates "Microsoft Project for Software Development and Implementation" |
13:00 |
14:00 |
Sergey Vaganov, Compas Plus "Realization of Object-Oriented Methodology. Technology FloraWare" |
Jeremy Dick, Telelogic "Change Management, Team Collaboration & Project Visibility Across the Development Lifecycle" |
Vladimir L. Pavlov, Andrey A. Terehov, Microsoft "Main Principles of Adopting High-Technology Project Management Methodologies for Organizational Management of Distributed Teams" |
Larry Constantine, IDSA, Chief Scientist, Constantine & Lockwood Ltd.
"Usage-Centered Software Engineering" [14:00-18:00] |
14:30 |
Sergey Vaganov, Compas Plus "Development Environment NETree" |
Alexey Ionin, Softmart "Solutions in Software Process Management" |
Alexander Tarasenko, MIRATECH "Quality Aspects in Consolidation of IT Market" |
15:00 |
Sergey Zykov, ITERA Oil & Gas Company LLC "ConceptModeller: a Problem-Oriented Visual SDK for Globally Distributed Enterprise Systems" [pdf: Rus.] |
Vladimir L. Pavlov, Microsoft "The CMMI-P-SPEM Experiment Results Presentation" |
Round Table "Software Process Impovement: A Customer Perspective"
Alexey Komkov, Cadence Russia
Vasiliy Agafonov, Vested Development
Alexander Babkin, Motorola
Mark Paulk, Carnegie Mellon University
Hans Sassenberg, SEI Europe
15:30 |
Yuri Bouloui, Vneshtorgbank "Practical Aspects of Implementation of Requirements Management and Configuration Management as the First Steps in Software Development and Maintenance Process Improvement in IT Department of Vneshtorgbank" |
16:00 |
Round Table "Distributed Teams"
V.Masliukov, LUXOFT
A.N.Terehov, Lanit-Tercom
Vyacheslav Nesterov, Motorola
Alexey Sapegin, APLANA Software
Artem Kozyrev, DevExperts "Continuous and Controlled Development and Maintenance of Software Product" |
16:30 |
Dr. Ivar Jacobson, Ivar Jacobson Consulting "Beoynd Agile: Smart" |
17:30 |
18:00 |
Closing B.A. Babayan RUSSOFT RUSSEE |
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